Microwaved Wood

I just put a piece of wood in the microwave. I had given it an acrylic wash and thought it might help it dry faster. Good news, it did! Also, made the microwave smell like freshly cut wood. So two wins today. I might be tempted to think I have just accelerated all my art projects, except that pretty much nothing else I anticipate making will fit in a microwave. Perhaps all I really did was discover I need to buy a bigger microwave. It's just as well. I'm sure acrylic fumes cause cancer or something if I use the same microwave for food later. Actually, that's a good point. Wait, why I am telling this story? ...I know I had a different point. Oh, I guess just that's exciting to try something and instantly see results. The transfer process I use is like that. It either works immediately or not at all. It's not like a painting, where I could labor over it for months, ultimately to decide I hate it and it would be better to start over. I mean, designing the image I transfer is more like that. It isn't all instant, which is also good, because I like a good struggle. I know when I'm facing resistance, I'm on the right path. It took me months before my first transfer worked out. I'm stubborn in many ways. I may not (ever) fight with people, but give me a process, a concept, an idea to battle out, and I will wrestle it, give it a run for it's money. In the conflict, there is peace. In the chaos, we find patterns and order. Contrasts and harmonies underline everything in life.